
Words, some paragraph, and a bit of punctuation,  breaks are the most important constituents of an understandable writing. Headings, italicised text, images, fancy quotes, bullet points and more are just decoration.

Decoration is important, which everyone wants in his/her writing.

That’s the problem with text formatting. Add bold text and bullet points and handsome headings to a Word document, then copy and paste it into your blog, and odds are the shine will have quickly faded.

On 28th June, there was a session by Kushal about Markdown. The session started with the installation of “Discount” package. Let’s see what is Markdown.

Words + Special characters= Markdown Formatted Text

Markdown was created in 2004 by John Gruber and Aaron Swartz as a way to format text for the web using simple characters including asterisks, underscores, and brackets. Markdown is a markup language with plain text formatting syntax. It is designed so that it can be converted to html and many other formats using a tool by the same name. If there were no Italics option, no color option, then to emphasize our words, Markdown is very useful.


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